Hays Clan


Murchison, Texas

The HAYS CLAN finds its roots on the eastern shores of the lovely Isle of Scotland, and in the deep woods of East Texas.

We trace our history back to hedges and Celtic/Norse clans of raiders, traders, farmers and farriers of yesteryear. We bring this history into our everyday life and honor our kin in our ways, our hospitality and how we raise our brood of boys. Life as as Hays is a constant parade of chivalry and tomfoolery, as we live as our folk of the past did, we strive for the best in life and laugh every time we can.


Hays Clan Classic Texas Tee-Shirts

Hays Manor Classic Clan  Tee-ShiRts

Hays Clan Falconry Shirts

HAYS CLAN Hospitality is always in effect   Read More>

We find our Roots in the isle of Scotland, our swords are still sharp and the shields are scarred. Read More>

Honey, Honey, Honey... how  can we go wrong,  Read More>

Tour our Meadery and enjoy free Mead tasting.  Read More>