Honey Hive


2020 was our first year to take the plunge to host a Hive of Bee's. We named it
"Slains Castle" after our ancestral castle in Scotland. "Slains" did a great crop the first year and we produced over 45 pounds of honey. That was after leaving the hive enough to thrive. We called it the "Queen's Tax".

The next year we added another nuc and built it out to a hive, which we named "Stirling Castle", yes after another Scottish Castle. Once again the bee's excelled and we had a large harvest.

Our Harvest, or  "Queen's Tax" as we call it, goes mostly to Vinland Meads to brew our world famous sacral honey mead. Follow the link here www.VinlandMeads.com

2021 Honey Season

The bee's at Hays Manor has been extremely busy this season. We had a really good harvest and have gifted most of our crop, well what we did not use in brewing Mead. Our honey was darker this season with a nice taste.

2022 Honey Season

The bee's at Hays Manor had a great season. We had a really good harvest, enough to even make Honey Candy for the Tyler Scottish Fest the Clan always participates in. 

2023 Honey Season

We Moved... we packed the bee's up and brought them to the country.  We did get a small harvest, and we added more hives. Were growing.

A Swarm we helped remove in 2022.

Futhark Honey Candy

The Queen Pouring Honey

The Two Littles mixing the Honey Candy Mixture

Making Honey Candy is definitely a learning experience